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Calcular a diferença de horas

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Posts: 36
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Boa noite,
Sou novo nestas andanças,mas estou precisando culcular a diferença de 2 horas, cada uma inserida numa textbox diferente e queria que o resultado aparecesse num label.
é possivel??

Postado : 11/10/2012 2:00 pm
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member

Veja exemplo

Private Sub TextBox1_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If TextBox2.Value <> "" Then
Label1.Caption = Format(TimeValue(TextBox1.Value) - TimeValue(TextBox2.Value), "hh:mm:ss")
End If

End Sub

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 11/10/2012 2:25 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Não resolveu, o que ue quero é que apareça a diferença no label9 (que vou criar), da txtHoras - txtSaida

Private Sub cmdAlterar_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAnterior_Click()
Dim currentFind As Range

If IsNumeric(lblCod.Caption) = True Then
Set currentFind = Worksheets("Dados").Range("A:A").Find(lblCod.Caption, , _
Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, _
Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)

If currentFind.Row >= 2 And IsNumeric(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(currentFind.Row - 1, 1)) Then
lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (CLng(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(currentFind.Row - 1, 1)))
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExcluir_Click()
Dim lLinha As Long
Dim currentFind As Range
Dim lPosicao As String

iTotalLinhas = Sheets("Dados").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

If IsNumeric(lblCod.Caption) = True Then
Set currentFind = Worksheets("Dados").Range("A:A").Find(lblCod.Caption, , _
Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, _
Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)

lLinha = currentFind.Row


If lLinha <= iTotalLinhas And IsNumeric(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(lLinha - 1, 1)) Then
lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (CLng(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(lLinha - 1, 1)))
End If

If lLinha = 2 And iTotalLinhas > 2 Then
lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (CLng(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(lLinha + 1, 1)))
End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdIncluir_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdProximo_Click()
Dim lLinha As Long
Dim currentFind As Range

iTotalLinhas = Sheets("Dados").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

If IsNumeric(lblCod.Caption) = True Then
Set currentFind = Worksheets("Dados").Range("A:A").Find(lblCod.Caption, , _
Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, _
Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)

If currentFind.Row < iTotalLinhas And IsNumeric(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(currentFind.Row + 1, 1)) Then
lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (CLng(Worksheets("Dados").Cells(currentFind.Row + 1, 1)))
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSair_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrimeiro_Click()
lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (Worksheets("Dados").Cells(2, 1).Value)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSalvar_Click()

If txtNOrdem.Enabled = True And lfValidarDados = True Then
If Not IsNumeric(lblCod.Caption) = True Then
End If

MsgBox "Registo Guardado!"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUltimo_Click()
Dim iTotalLinhas As Long

iTotalLinhas = 999999

lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (iTotalLinhas)
End Sub

Private Sub txtHoras_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim TimeStr As String

Set TextLength = txtHoras

On Error GoTo EndMacro
With txtHoras
If HasFormula = False Then

Select Case Len(TextLength)

Case 1
TimeStr = "00:0" & TextLength
Case 2
TimeStr = "00:" & TextLength
Case 3
TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 1) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)
Case 4
TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)

'Case 5 ' ex: 12345 = 01:23:45
' TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 1) & ":" & Mid(TextLength, 2, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)
'Case 6 ' ex: 123456 = 12:34:56
' TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 2) & ":" & Mid(TextLength, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)

Case Else
MsgBox "HORA EM BRANCo !!!"
'With TextBox1
' .SetFocus
'.SelStart = 0
'.SelLength = Len(.Text)
' End With
Exit Sub

End Select
Application.EnableEvents = False
Formula = TimeValue(TimeStr)
txtHoras = TimeStr
sCancel = False
End If
End With

GoTo Fim


MsgBox "HORA Inválida !!!"
With txtHoras
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
sCancel = True

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtHoras_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
'Limita a Qde de caracteres
txtHoras.MaxLength = 4

Select Case KeyAscii
Case 8, 48 To 57 ' BackSpace e numericos
'If Len(txtHoras) = 2 Or Len(txtHoras) = 6 Then
' txtHoras.Text = txtHoras.Text & ":"
SendKeys "{End}", False
' End If
Case Else ' o resto é travado
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub txtSaida_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim TimeStr As String

Set TextLength = txtSaida

On Error GoTo EndMacro
With txtSaida
If HasFormula = False Then

Select Case Len(TextLength)

Case 1
TimeStr = "00:0" & TextLength
Case 2
TimeStr = "00:" & TextLength
Case 3
TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 1) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)
Case 4
TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)

'Case 5 ' ex: 12345 = 01:23:45
' TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 1) & ":" & Mid(TextLength, 2, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)
'Case 6 ' ex: 123456 = 12:34:56
' TimeStr = Left(TextLength, 2) & ":" & Mid(TextLength, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(TextLength, 2)

Case Else
MsgBox "HORA EM BRANCo !!!"
'With TextBox1
' .SetFocus
'.SelStart = 0
'.SelLength = Len(.Text)
' End With
Exit Sub

End Select
Application.EnableEvents = False
Formula = TimeValue(TimeStr)
txtSaida = TimeStr
sCancel = False
End If
End With

GoTo Fim


MsgBox "HORA Inválida !!!"
With txtSaida
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
sCancel = True

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtSaida_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
'Limita a Qde de caracteres
txtHoras.MaxLength = 4

Select Case KeyAscii
Case 8, 48 To 57 ' BackSpace e numericos
'If Len(txtSaida) = 2 Or Len(txtSaida) = 6 Then
' txtSaida.Text = txtSaida.Text & ":"
SendKeys "{End}", False
' End If
Case Else ' o resto é travado
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call Empresa
End Sub

Sub Empresa()
Dim OCOLLECTION As New Collection
Dim VARVALUE As Variant

ULTLINHA = Folha1.Range("D500").End(xlUp).Row

On Error Resume Next

For Each VARVALUE In Folha1.Range("D2:d" & ULTLINHA)
'Carrega somente Textos

'Carrega Textos e Numeros ou só numeros e Textos

For I = 1 To OCOLLECTION.Count
ComboBox1.AddItem OCOLLECTION.Item(I)

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
On Error Resume Next
txtMatCivil = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CStr(ComboBox1), Folha1.Range("D1:f500"), 2, 0) '=PROCV(H2;A1:B3;2;0)
txtOrgao = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CStr(ComboBox1), Folha1.Range("D1:f500"), 3, 0) '=PROCV(H2;A1:B3;2;0)
[Folha1!T22].Value = txtMatOrgao.Value
[Folha1!U22].Value = txtMatCivil.Value
End Sub

Private Sub txtMatCivil_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub txtNOrdem_Change()
On Error Resume Next
txtNome = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(txtNOrdem), Folha1.Range("A1:B204"), 2, 0) '=PROCV(H2;A1:B3;2;0)
[Folha1!Q22].Value = txtNome.Value
[Folha1!R22].Value = txtNOrdem.Value
End Sub

Private Sub txtDataSitrep_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtDataSitrep = Format(txtDataSitrep, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Cancel = False
End Sub

Private Sub txtDataOcorrencia_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtDataOcorrencia = Format(txtDataOcorrencia, "dd/mm/YYYY")
Cancel = False
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

lsLocalizaRegistroStudent (Worksheets("Dados").Cells(2, 1).Value)
End Sub

Postado : 11/10/2012 3:08 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Private Sub Label9_Click()
If txtSaida.Value <> "" Then
Label9.Caption = Format(TimeValue(txtHoras.Value) - TimeValue(txtSaida.Value), "hh:mm:ss")
End If
End Sub

Tentei este Comando, mas o valor só me aparece depois de carregar com o mouse.
como posso faze-lo aparecer automaticamente.


Postado : 11/10/2012 3:36 pm
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member

Vc pode coloca-la no evento before (ou after) update da ultima txt a receber valor. Por exemplo no eventoPrivate Sub txtSaida_AfterUpdate.

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 11/10/2012 5:39 pm