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Diferença de Matrizes

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Fala pessoal, boa tarde, tudo bem?

Bom, o que eu estou precisando, basicamente, é fazer a diferença entre duas matrizes que contém texto e obter como resultado a diferença entre elas. Pra exemplificar melhor, eu tenho uma lista de itens (Matriz 1) que é uma lista fixa. Daí a Matriz 2 vai ser sempre uma lista variável que contém obrigatoriamente algum item da Matriz 1, mas não necessariamente todos.

Ao pesquisar na internet um código ou função que tivesse esse objetivo, me deparei com a seguinte função, porém não consigo fazer ela funcionar. Aparece o erro "Erro de compilação: Sub ou Function não definida" e as 5 primeiras linhas são marcadas em amarelo

Public Function GetArrayDifference( _
      ByVal SourceArray1 As Variant, _
      ByVal SourceArray2 As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean _
   ) As Variant
' Return the difference of the two arrays containing only the uncommon
' elements. If there is no difference then Empty is returned. The lower bound
' of the first source array is used as the base for the new array. To speed up
' the routine pass in sorted arrays (use the SortArray function) and pass True
' for the parameter Sorted. The returned array is always sorted in ascending
' order.
' Syntax
' GetArrayDifference(SourceArray1, SourceArray2, [Sorted])
' SourceArray1 - Any single dimension array.
' SourceArray2 - Any single dimension array.
' Sorted - Pass True if both source arrays are sorted, False otherwise.

   Dim Index1 As Long
   Dim Index2 As Long
   Dim Result As Variant
   Dim Count As Long
   Dim Value As Variant
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray1) Then Stop ' source array must have one dimension
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray2) Then Stop ' source array must have one dimension
   If Not Sorted Then
      SortArray SourceArray1
      SortArray SourceArray2
   End If
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray1) = 0 Then
      GetArrayDifference = SourceArray2
      Exit Function
   End If
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray2) = 0 Then
      GetArrayDifference = SourceArray1
      Exit Function
   End If

   Index1 = LBound(SourceArray1)
   Index2 = LBound(SourceArray2)
   Do While Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Or Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2)
      If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
         If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) < SourceArray2(Index2) And Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1)
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
               Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
               Index1 = Index1 + 1
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
            AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
         End If
      End If
      If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) > SourceArray2(Index2) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2)
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Value = SourceArray2(Index2)
               Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
               Index2 = Index2 + 1
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
            AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            Value = SourceArray2(Index2)
            Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
         End If
      End If
      If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) And Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
         Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
            If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
         Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
            If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
      End If
   If Count > 0 Then
      TrimArray Result, Count
      GetArrayDifference = Result
      GetArrayDifference = Array()
   End If
   End Function

Postado : 19/09/2017 12:51 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Boa tarde Felipe....

É um pouco mais complicado analisar o problema apenas visualizando o código, sobretudo quando é um código extenso assim....

Mas de qualquer forma, posso adiantar que seu código está incompleto... existem funções sendo chamadas aí que não fazem parte do código.. por exemplo a função IsOneDimensionArray, que não encontrei em nenhum lugar do código.

Provavelmente está faltando uma parte dessa programação.

Tente enviar o arquivo para análise ou verifique se o código que vc enviou está completo...


Postado : 19/09/2017 1:20 pm
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member

Como disse o colega, somente pelo código e um tanto quanto dificil ; porem no chutometro; acho que (por exemplo) IsOneDimensionArray e SortArray são functions auxiliares que deveriam ser incorporadas/copiadas ao seu projeto. Verifique na origem essas funções

Postado : 19/09/2017 5:00 pm
Posts: 0
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Topic starter

Pessoal, obrigado pelas respostas.

Vocês tinham razão, existiam funções sendo chamadas que não faziam parte do código.

Eu consegui o código completo, ele constrói 4 funções relacionadas a Matrizes. A que me interessava era justamente essa, de achar a diferença entre as matrizes, porém quando eu executo ela, ela não se propõe a fazer oque fala, somente retorna o primeiro valor. Vou colar o código aqui caso vocês queiram testar. Para que as fórmulas funcionem, é só colar ele inteiro no VBA

Option Explicit

Public Sub AddArrayElement( _
      ByRef SourceArray As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal NewValue As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal AddNewValueAsArray As Boolean, _
      Optional ByVal Base As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal Increment As Long = 1, _
      Optional ByRef Count As Variant _
' Add an element, multiple elements, or an array to the end of the array.
' Syntax
' AddArrayElement(SourceArray, [NewValue], [AddNewValueAsArray], [Base], [Increment], [Count])
' SourceArray - The source array to which the value is to be added.
' NewValue - The value or values to add to the array. If an array is passed and
'   AddNewValueAsArray is False or omitted then each value in the array is
'   added as an individual array element. If AddNewValueAsArray is True then
'   the value is added as a single array. Optional. If omitted then the
'   parameter SourceArray is converted into an array if not already an array.
' AddNewValueAsArray - If True then the new value is added as an
'   array. If False then the new value or values are added as inividual
'   array elements. Optional. If omitted then False is assumed.
' Base - The base at which a new array is started. Optional. If omitted then
'   the base is assumed to be 0.
' Increment - The number of extra elements to add to the source array if it
'   needs to be extended. Optional. If omitted then it is assumed to be 1.
' Count - The count of used elements in the array. Incremented by the number of
'   values added to the array so that the final value continues to represent
'   the count of used elements. Optional.

   Dim Index As Long
   Dim Result As Long
   Dim Value As Variant
   If IsMissing(Count) Then
      Increment = 1
      Count = GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray)
   End If
   If Increment < 1 Then Increment = 1
   ' Add new elements to target array
   If Not IsMissing(NewValue) Then
      If IsArray(NewValue) And Not AddNewValueAsArray Then
         For Index = LBound(NewValue) To UBound(NewValue)
            AddArrayElement SourceArray, NewValue(Index), Base, Increment, Count
         Next Index
         If Not IsArrayInitialized(SourceArray) Then
            InsureArrayInitialized SourceArray, Base, Increment
            If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray) <= Count Then
               ReDim Preserve SourceArray(LBound(SourceArray) To UBound(SourceArray) + Increment)
            End If
         End If
         SourceArray(LBound(SourceArray) + Count) = NewValue
         Count = Count + 1
      End If
      ' Convert source to an array if not already an array
      If (VarType(NewValue) And vbArray) = 0 Then
         Value = SourceArray
         ReDim SourceArray(Base To Base)
         SourceArray(Base) = Value
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Public Function GetArrayDifference( _
      ByVal SourceArray1 As Variant, _
      ByVal SourceArray2 As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean _
   ) As Variant
' Return the difference of the two arrays containing only the uncommon
' elements. If there is no difference then Empty is returned. The lower bound
' of the first source array is used as the base for the new array. To speed up
' the routine pass in sorted arrays (use the SortArray function) and pass True
' for the parameter Sorted. The returned array is always sorted in ascending
' order.
' Syntax
' GetArrayDifference(SourceArray1, SourceArray2, [Sorted])
' SourceArray1 - Any single dimension array.
' SourceArray2 - Any single dimension array.
' Sorted - Pass True if both source arrays are sorted, False otherwise.

   Dim Index1 As Long
   Dim Index2 As Long
   Dim Result As Variant
   Dim Count As Long
   Dim Value As Variant
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray1) Then Stop ' source array must have one dimension
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray2) Then Stop ' source array must have one dimension
   If Not Sorted Then
      SortArray SourceArray1
      SortArray SourceArray2
   End If
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray1) = 0 Then
      GetArrayDifference = SourceArray2
      Exit Function
   End If
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray2) = 0 Then
      GetArrayDifference = SourceArray1
      Exit Function
   End If

   Index1 = LBound(SourceArray1)
   Index2 = LBound(SourceArray2)
   Do While Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Or Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2)
      If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
         If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) < SourceArray2(Index2) And Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1)
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
               Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
               Index1 = Index1 + 1
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
            AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
               If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
         End If
      End If
      If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
            Do While SourceArray1(Index1) > SourceArray2(Index2) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2)
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Value = SourceArray2(Index2)
               Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
               Index2 = Index2 + 1
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
            AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            Value = SourceArray2(Index2)
            Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
               If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
         End If
      End If
      If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) And Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) And Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
         Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
            If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
         Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
            If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
      End If
   If Count > 0 Then
      TrimArray Result, Count
      GetArrayDifference = Result
      GetArrayDifference = Array()
   End If

End Function

Public Function GetArrayElementCount( _
      ByVal SourceArray As Variant _
   ) As Long
' Return the number of array elements in a single dimension array.
' Syntax
' GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray)
' SourceArray - Any single dimension array.

   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray) Then Stop ' source array must be one dimension
   If Not IsArrayInitialized(SourceArray) Then Exit Function
   GetArrayElementCount = UBound(SourceArray) - LBound(SourceArray) + 1

End Function

Public Function GetArrayIntersection( _
      ByVal SourceArray1 As Variant, _
      ByVal SourceArray2 As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean _
   ) As Variant
' Return the intersection of the two arrays containing only the common
' elements. If there is no intersection then an Empty is returned. The lower
' bound of the first source array is used as the base for the new array. To
' speed up the routine pass in sorted arrays (using the SortArray function)
' and pass True for the parameter Sorted. The returned array is always sorted
' in ascending order.
' Syntax
' GetArrayIntersection(SourceArray1, SourceArray2, [Sorted])
' SourceArray1 - Any single dimension array.
' SourceArray2 - Any single dimension array.
' Sorted - Pass True if both source arrays are sorted, False otherwise.

   Dim Index1 As Long
   Dim Index2 As Long
   Dim Result As Variant
   Dim Count As Long
   Dim Value As Variant
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray1) Then Stop ' Invalid parameter
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray2) Then Stop ' Invalid parameter
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray1) = 0 Then Exit Function
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray2) = 0 Then Exit Function
   If Not Sorted Then
      SortArray SourceArray1
      SortArray SourceArray2
   End If
   Index1 = LBound(SourceArray1)
   Index2 = LBound(SourceArray2)
      Do While SourceArray1(Index1) < SourceArray2(Index2) And Index1 < UBound(SourceArray1)
         Index1 = Index1 + 1
      Do While SourceArray1(Index1) > SourceArray2(Index2) And Index2 < UBound(SourceArray2)
         Index2 = Index2 + 1
      If SourceArray1(Index1) = SourceArray2(Index2) Then
         AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
         Value = SourceArray1(Index1)
         Do While SourceArray1(Index1) = Value
         Index1 = Index1 + 1
            If Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Then Exit Do
         Do While SourceArray2(Index2) = Value
         Index2 = Index2 + 1
            If Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2) Then Exit Do
      End If
   Loop Until Index1 > UBound(SourceArray1) Or Index2 > UBound(SourceArray2)
   If Count > 0 Then
      TrimArray Result, Count
      GetArrayIntersection = Result
      GetArrayIntersection = Array()
   End If
End Function

Public Function GetArrayUnion( _
      ByVal SourceArray1 As Variant, _
      ByVal SourceArray2 As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean _
   ) As Variant
' Return the union of the two arrays containing all of the unique elements.
' If there is no intersection then an Empty is returned. The lower bound of the
' first source array is used as the base for the new array. To speed up the
' routine pass in sorted arrays (using the SortArray function) and pass True
' for the parameter Sorted. The returned array is always sorted in ascending
' order.
' Syntax
' GetArrayUnion(SourceArray1, SourceArray2, [Sorted])
' SourceArray1 - Any single dimension array.
' SourceArray2 - Any single dimension array.
' Sorted - Pass True if both source arrays are sorted, False otherwise.

   Dim Index1 As Long
   Dim Index2 As Long
   Dim Result As Variant
   Dim Count As Long
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray1) Then Stop ' Invalid parameter
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray2) Then Stop ' Invalid parameter
   If Not Sorted Then
      SortArray SourceArray1
      SortArray SourceArray2
   End If

   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray1) = 0 Then
      GetArrayUnion = SourceArray2
      Exit Function
   End If
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray2) = 0 Then
      GetArrayUnion = SourceArray1
      Exit Function
   End If

   Index1 = LBound(SourceArray1)
   Index2 = LBound(SourceArray2)
   AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Base:=LBound(SourceArray1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
   Index1 = Index1 + 1
   If SourceArray1(Index1) <> SourceArray2(Index2) Then
      AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Count:=Count
   End If
   Index2 = Index2 + 1
   Do While Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Or Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2)
      If Index1 < UBound(SourceArray1) Then
         Do While (SourceArray1(Index1) = SourceArray1(Index1 - 1) Or SourceArray1(Index1) = Result(LBound(Result) + Count - 1)) And Index1 < UBound(SourceArray1)
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
      End If
      If Index2 < UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         Do While (SourceArray2(Index2) = SourceArray2(Index2 - 1) Or SourceArray2(Index2) = Result(LBound(Result) + Count - 1)) And Index2 < UBound(SourceArray2)
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
      End If
      If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
         If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
            If SourceArray1(Index1) <= SourceArray2(Index2) Then
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Index1 = Index1 + 1
            End If
            AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray1(Index1), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            Index1 = Index1 + 1
         End If
      End If
      If Index2 <= UBound(SourceArray2) Then
         If Index1 <= UBound(SourceArray1) Then
            If SourceArray2(Index2) < SourceArray1(Index1) And SourceArray2(Index2) <> Result(LBound(Result) + Count - 1) Then
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
               Index2 = Index2 + 1
            End If
            If SourceArray2(Index2) <> Result(LBound(Result) + Count - 1) Then
               AddArrayElement Result, SourceArray2(Index2), Increment:=100, Count:=Count
            End If
            Index2 = Index2 + 1
         End If
      End If
   If Count > 0 Then TrimArray Result, Count
   GetArrayUnion = Result

End Function

Public Function GetArrayUniqueElements( _
      ByVal SourceArray As Variant, _
      ByVal BaseArray As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean _
   ) As Variant
' Return the unique elements from the source array that are not in the base
' array. If there are no unique elements then Empty is returned. The lower
' bound of the first source array is used as the base for the new array. To
' speed up the routine pass in sorted arrays (use the SortArray function) and
' pass True for the parameter Sorted. The returned array is always sorted in
' ascending order.
' Syntax
' GetArrayUniqueElements(SourceArray, BaseArray, [Sorted])
' SourceArray - Any single dimension array.
' BaseArray - Any single dimension array.
' Sorted - Pass True if the source and base arrays are sorted, False otherwise.

   Dim CommonElements As Variant

   If Not Sorted Then
      SortArray SourceArray
      SortArray BaseArray
   End If
   CommonElements = GetArrayIntersection(SourceArray, BaseArray, True)
   GetArrayUniqueElements = GetArrayDifference(CommonElements, SourceArray, True)

End Function

Public Sub InsureArrayInitialized( _
      ByRef SourceArray As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal Base As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal Size As Long = 1 _
' Insure array is initialized with at least one element.

   Dim Error As Long
   If Size < 1 Then Size = 1

   If Not IsArrayInitialized(SourceArray) Then
      If Base = 0 And Size = 1 Then
         On Error Resume Next
         SourceArray = Array(0)
         Error = Err
         On Error GoTo 0
      End If
      If Error = 458 Or Base <> 0 Or Size <> 1 Then
         ReDim SourceArray(Base To Base + Size - 1)
      End If
   End If

End Sub

Public Function IsArrayInitialized( _
      ByVal SourceArray As Variant _
   ) As Boolean

' Return True if the array is initialized, False otherwise. An inialized array
' has a lower and upper bound, although it may not have any elements (the upper
' bound is less than the lower bound).

   Dim UpperBound As Long

   UpperBound = -1
   On Error Resume Next
   UpperBound = UBound(SourceArray)
   On Error GoTo 0
   IsArrayInitialized = UpperBound > -1

End Function

Public Function IsOneDimensionArray( _
      ByVal SourceArray As Variant _
   ) As Boolean
' Return True if the source array is a one-dimension array, False otherwise.

   Dim Result As Long

   On Error Resume Next
   Result = LBound(SourceArray, 2)
   IsOneDimensionArray = Err.Number <> 0

End Function

Public Sub SortArray( _
      ByRef SourceArray As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal FirstParm As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal LastParm As Variant _

' Sort the array. Array can be a single dimension array of any variable type or
' a variant containing an array such as the result of the Array function.

   Dim First As Long
   Dim Last As Long
   Dim Low As Long
   Dim High As Long
   Dim Temp As Variant
   Dim Pivot As Variant
   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray) Then Stop ' Invalid parameter
   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray) = 0 Then Exit Sub
   If UBound(SourceArray) - LBound(SourceArray) < 2 Then Exit Sub
   If IsMissing(FirstParm) Then
      First = LBound(SourceArray)
      First = FirstParm
   End If
   If IsMissing(LastParm) Then
      Last = UBound(SourceArray)
      Last = LastParm
   End If
   Low = First
   High = Last
   Pivot = SourceArray(Application.Max((First + Last)  2, LBound(SourceArray)))
   While Low <= High
         If SourceArray(Low) < Pivot And Low < Last Then
            Low = Low + 1
            Exit Do
         End If
         If Pivot < SourceArray(High) And High > First Then
            High = High - 1
            Exit Do
         End If
      If Low <= High Then
         If Low < High Then
            Temp = SourceArray(High)
            SourceArray(High) = SourceArray(Low)
            SourceArray(Low) = Temp
         End If
         Low = Low + 1
         High = High - 1
      End If
   If (First < High) Then SortArray SourceArray, First, High
   If (Low < Last) Then SortArray SourceArray, Low, Last

End Sub

Public Sub TrimArray( _
      ByRef SourceArray As Variant, _
      ByVal Count As Long _
' Redimension the source array so that it contains exactly the specified number
' of elements.
' Syntax
' TrimArray(SourceArray, Count)
' ValueArray - Any dynamic one-dimensional array.
' Count - The number of elements after trimming.

   If Not IsOneDimensionArray(SourceArray) Then Stop ' Array must be one dimension

   If GetArrayElementCount(SourceArray) > Count Then
      ReDim Preserve SourceArray(LBound(SourceArray) To LBound(SourceArray) + Count - 1)
   End If

End Sub

Postado : 21/09/2017 12:12 pm