Boa tarde pessoal,
Criei um sisteminha em vba excel, porem está aparecendo um erro no código, e não estou encontrando, gostaria muito de pedir a ajuda de vcs.
Ocorre que quando eu abro o form, o código para deixar inativos e bloqueados todos os campos, não funciona. E quando clico no botão cancelar, ocorre o erro 91.
Obs.: meu form tem um multipage com 4 páginas(Page).
O código é seguinte:
Option Explicit
Const colCPF As Integer = 1
Const colCNPJ1 As Integer = 2
Const colNOMEEMPRESA As Integer = 3
Const colCNAE As Integer = 4
Const colNOMETRAB As Integer = 5
Const colBRPDH As Integer = 6
Const colNIT1 As Integer = 7
Const colDTNASC As Integer = 8
Const colSEXO As Integer = 9
Const colCTPSN As Integer = 10
Const colCTPSS As Integer = 11
Const colCTPSUF As Integer = 12
Const colDTADM As Integer = 13
Const colREGIME As Integer = 14
Const colDTREGISTRO1 As Integer = 15
Const colNCAT1 As Integer = 16
Const colDTREGISTRO2 As Integer = 17
Const colNCAT2 As Integer = 18
Const colDTREGISTRO3 As Integer = 19
Const colNCAT3 As Integer = 20
Const colPERIODOLOT As Integer = 21
Const colCNPJ_CEI As Integer = 22
Const colSETOR As Integer = 23
Const colCARGO As Integer = 24
Const colFUNCAO As Integer = 25
Const colCBO As Integer = 26
Const colGFIP As Integer = 27
Const colDTINI5 As Integer = 28
Const colDTFIM5 As Integer = 29
Const colDESCRATIV1 As Integer = 30
Const colDTINI6 As Integer = 31
Const colDTFIM6 As Integer = 32
Const colDESCRATIV2 As Integer = 33
Const colDTINI7 As Integer = 34
Const colDTFIM7 As Integer = 35
Const colDESCRATIV3 As Integer = 36
Const colDTINI1 As Integer = 37
Const colDTFIM1 As Integer = 38
Const colCBOTIPO1 As Integer = 39
Const colFATRISCO1 As Integer = 40
Const colIC1 As Integer = 41
Const colTECUTIL1 As Integer = 42
Const colEPC1 As Integer = 43
Const colEPI1 As Integer = 44
Const colCAEPI1 As Integer = 45
Const colDTINI2 As Integer = 46
Const colDTFIM2 As Integer = 47
Const colCBOTIPO2 As Integer = 48
Const colFATRISCO2 As Integer = 49
Const colIC2 As Integer = 50
Const colTECUTIL2 As Integer = 51
Const colEPC2 As Integer = 52
Const colEPI2 As Integer = 53
Const colCAEPI2 As Integer = 54
Const colDTINI3 As Integer = 55
Const colDTFIM3 As Integer = 56
Const colCBOTIPO3 As Integer = 57
Const colFATRISCO3 As Integer = 58
Const colIC3 As Integer = 59
Const colTECUTIL3 As Integer = 60
Const colEPC3 As Integer = 61
Const colEPI3 As Integer = 62
Const colCAEPI3 As Integer = 63
Const colDTINI4 As Integer = 64
Const colDTFIM4 As Integer = 65
Const colNITRESP As Integer = 66
Const colREGCONSCLASS As Integer = 67
Const colNOMEPROFLEG As Integer = 68
Const colDTEMISS As Integer = 69
Const colNIT2 As Integer = 70
Const colNOMEREPRES As Integer = 71
Const indiceMinimo As Byte = 2
Const corDisabledTextBox As Long = -2147483633
Const corEnabledTextBox As Long = -2147483643
Private wsCadastro As Worksheet
Private indiceRegistro As Long
Private Sub bntcancelar2_Click()
btnOK.Enabled = False
btnCancelar.Enabled = False
Call DesabilitaControles
Call CarregaDadosInicial
Call HabilitaBotoesAlteracao
End Sub
Private Sub btnCancelar_Click()
btnOK.Enabled = False
btnCancelar.Enabled = False
Call DesabilitaControles
Call CarregaDadosInicial
Call HabilitaBotoesAlteracao
End Sub
Private Sub btnCancelar1_Click()
btnOK.Enabled = False
btnCancelar.Enabled = False
Call DesabilitaControles
Call CarregaDadosInicial
Call HabilitaBotoesAlteracao
End Sub
Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Dim proximoId As Long
If optAlterar.Value Then
Call SalvaRegistro(CLng(txtCPF.Text), indiceRegistro)
MsgBox ("Registro salvo com sucesso")
End If
If optNovo.Value Then
proximoId = PegaProximoId
'pega a próxima linha
Dim proximoIndice As Long
proximoIndice = wsCadastro.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
Call SalvaRegistro(proximoId, proximoIndice)
txtCPF = proximoId
MsgBox ("Registro salvo com sucesso")
End If
If optExcluir.Value Then
Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult
result = MsgBox("Deseja excluir o registro nº " & txtCPF.Text & " ?", vbYesNo, "Confirmação")
If result = vbYes Then
wsCadastro.Range(wsCadastro.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF), wsCadastro.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF)).EntireRow.Delete
Call CarregaDadosInicial
MsgBox ("Registro excluído com sucesso")
End If
End If
Call HabilitaBotoesAlteracao
Call DesabilitaControles
End Sub
Private Sub btnPesquisar_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cbnEncerrar1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cbnEncerrar2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cbnEncerrar3_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'bloqueia o botão X fechar do form
Private Sub frm_cadastro_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox ("Desculpe, use o botão [Sair]"), vbCritical, "Acesso negado"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optAlterar_Click()
If txtCPF.Text <> vbNullString And txtCPF.Text <> "" Then
Call HabilitaControles
Call DesabilitaBotoesAlteracao
'dá o foco ao primeiro controle de dados
MsgBox ("Não há registro a ser alterado")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optExcluir_Click()
If txtCPF.Text <> vbNullString And txtCPF.Text <> "" Then
Call DesabilitaBotoesAlteracao
MsgBox ("Modo de exclusão. Confira os dados do registro antes de excluí-lo")
MsgBox ("Não há registro a ser excluído")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optNovo_Click()
Call LimpaControles
Call HabilitaControles
Call DesabilitaBotoesAlteracao
'dá o foco ao primeiro controle de dados
End Sub
Private Sub frm_cadastro_Initialize()
Set wsCadastro = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Cadastro")
Call HabilitaBotoesAlteracao
Call CarregaDadosInicial
Call DesabilitaControles
' ?
End Sub
Private Sub CarregaDadosInicial()
indiceRegistro = 2
Call CarregaRegistro
End Sub
Private Sub CarregaRegistro()
'carrega os dados do primeiro registro
With wsCadastro
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF)) Then '<<<<O ERRO INDICA ESTA LINHA (msg de erro: A variável do objeto ou a variável do bloco 'With' não foi definida)
'''Obs.: caso o cód não funcionar, tentar chamar o registro usando no início da linha isso:
' Me.MultiPage1.nomedocampotxtdoform . Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF).Value
'caso tenha que chamar para outra página é mudar Multipage1 para Multipage2 e assim por diante.
Me.txtCPF.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF).Value '1
Me.txt_cnpj1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNPJ1).Value '2
Me.txt_nomeempresa.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEEMPRESA).Value '3
Me.txt_cnae.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNAE).Value '4
Me.txt_nometrab.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMETRAB).Value '5
Me.txt_br_pdh.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colBRPDH).Value '6
Me.txt_nit.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNIT1).Value '7
Me.txt_dtnasc.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTNASC).Value '8
Me.cbo_sexo.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colSEXO).Value '9
Me.txt_ctpsN.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSN).Value '10
Me.txt_ctpsS.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSS).Value '11
Me.txt_ctpsUF.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSUF).Value '12
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTADM).Value '13
Me.txt_Regime.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colREGIME).Value '14
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO1).Value '15
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO2).Value '17
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO2).Value '18
Me.txt_NCAT2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNCAT2).Value '19
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO3).Value '19
Me.txt_NCAT3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNCAT3).Value '20
Me.txt_periodoLOT.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colPERIODOLOT).Value '21
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNPJ_CEI).Value '22
Me.txt_setor.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colSETOR).Value '23
Me.txt_cargo.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCARGO).Value '24
Me.txt_funcao.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colFUNCAO).Value '25
Me.txt_CBO.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBO).Value1 '26
Me.txt_codGFIP.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colGFIP).Value '27
Me.textDataIni5.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI5).Value '28
Me.textDataFin5.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM5).Value '29
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV1).Value '30
Me.textDataIni6.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI6).Value '31
Me.textDataFin6.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM6).Value '32
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV2).Value '33
Me.textDataIni7.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI7).Value '34
Me.textDataFin7.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM7).Value '35
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV3).Value '36
Me.textDataIni1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI1).Value '37
Me.textDataFin1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM1).Value '38
Me.cbo_tipo1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO1).Value '39
Me.txt_FatRisco1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO1).Value '40
Me.txt_I_C1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC1).Value '41
Me.txt_tecUtil1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL1).Value '42
Me.cbo_ECP1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC1).Value '43
Me.cbo_EPI1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI1).Value '44
Me.txt_CAEPI1.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI1).Value '45
Me.textDataIni2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI2).Value '46
Me.textDataFin2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM2).Value '47
Me.cbo_tipo2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO2).Value '48
Me.txt_FatRisco2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO2).Value '49
Me.txt_I_C2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC2).Value '50
Me.txt_tecUtil2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL2).Value '51
Me.cbo_ECP2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC2).Value '52
Me.cbo_EPI2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI2).Value '53
Me.txt_CAEPI2.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI2).Value '54
Me.textDataIni3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI3).Value '55
Me.textDataFin3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM3).Value '56
Me.cbo_tipo3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO3).Value '57
Me.txt_FatRisco3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO3).Value '58
Me.txt_I_C3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC3).Value '59
Me.txt_tecUtil3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL3).Value '60
Me.cbo_ECP3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC3).Value '61
Me.cbo_EPI3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI3).Value '62
Me.txt_CAEPI3.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI3).Value '63
Me.textDataIni4.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI4).Value '64
Me.textDataFin4.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM4).Value '65
Me.txt_NITresp.Value.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNITRESP).Value '66
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.Value.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colREGCONSCLASS).Value '67
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.Value.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEPROFLEG).Value '68
Me.textDataEmiss.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTEMISS).Value '69
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNIT2).Value '70
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.Text = .Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEREPRES).Value '71
End If
End With
' Call AtualizaRegistroCorrente
End Sub
Public Sub CarregaRegistroPorIndice(ByVal indice As Long)
'carrega os dados do registro baseado no índice
indiceRegistro = indice
Call CarregaRegistro
End Sub
Private Sub SalvaRegistro(ByVal id As Long, ByVal indice As Long)
With wsCadastro
.Cells(indice, colCPF).Value = id
' .Cells(indiceRegistro, colCPF).Value = Me.txtCPF.Text'1
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNPJ1).Value = Me.txt_cnpj1.Text '2
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEEMPRESA).Value = Me.txt_nomeempresa.Text '3
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNAE).Value = Me.txt_cnae.Text '4
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMETRAB).Value = Me.txt_nometrab.Text '5
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colBRPDH).Value = Me.txt_br_pdh.Text '6
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNIT1).Value = Me.txt_nit.Text '7
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTNASC).Value = Me.txt_dtnasc.Text '8
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colSEXO).Value = Me.cbo_sexo.Text '9
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSN).Value = Me.txt_ctpsN.Text '10
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSS).Value = Me.txt_ctpsS.Text '11
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCTPSUF).Value = Me.txt_ctpsUF.Text '12
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTADM).Value = Me.txt_dtAdmissao.Text '13
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colREGIME).Value = Me.txt_Regime.Text '14
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO1).Value = Me.txt_dtRegistro1.Text '15
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNCAT1).Value = Me.txt_NCAT1.Text '16
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO2).Value = Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Text '17
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNCAT2).Value = Me.txt_NCAT2.Text '18
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTREGISTRO3).Value = Me.txt_dtRegistro3.Text '19
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNCAT3).Value = Me.txt_NCAT3.Text '20
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colPERIODOLOT).Value = Me.txt_periodoLOT.Text '21
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCNPJ_CEI).Value = Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.Text '22
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colSETOR).Value = Me.txt_setor.Text '23
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCARGO).Value = Me.txt_cargo.Text '24
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colFUNCAO).Value = Me.txt_funcao.Text '25
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBO).Value = Me.txt_CBO.Text '26
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colGFIP).Value = Me.txt_codGFIP.Text '27
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI5).Value = Me.textDataIni5.Text '28
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM5).Value = Me.textDataFin5.Text '29
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV1).Value = Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.Text '30
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI6).Value = Me.textDataIni6.Text '31
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM6).Value = Me.textDataFin6.Text '32
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV2).Value = Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.Text '33
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI7).Value = Me.textDataIni7.Text '34
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM7).Value = Me.textDataFin7.Text '35
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDESCRATIV3).Value = Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.Text '36
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI1).Value = Me.textDataIni1.Text '37
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM1).Value = Me.textDataFin1.Text '38
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO1).Value = Me.cbo_tipo1.Text '39
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO1).Value = Me.txt_FatRisco1.Text '40
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC1).Value = Me.txt_I_C1.Text '41
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL1).Value = Me.txt_tecUtil1.Text '42
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC1).Value = Me.cbo_ECP1.Text '43
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI1).Value = Me.cbo_EPI1.Text '44
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI1).Value = Me.txt_CAEPI1.Text '45
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI2).Value = Me.textDataIni2.Text '46
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM2).Value = Me.textDataFin2.Text '47
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO2).Value = Me.cbo_tipo2.Text '48
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO2).Value = Me.txt_FatRisco2.Text '49
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC2).Value = Me.txt_I_C2.Text '50
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL2).Value = Me.txt_tecUtil2.Text '51
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC2).Value = Me.cbo_ECP2.Text '52
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI2).Value = Me.cbo_EPI2.Text '53
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI2).Value = Me.txt_CAEPI2.Text '54
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI3).Value = Me.textDataIni3.Text '55
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM3).Value = Me.textDataFin3.Text '56
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCBOTIPO3).Value = Me.cbo_tipo3.Text '57
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colFATRISCO3).Value = Me.txt_FatRisco3.Text '58
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colIC3).Value = Me.txt_I_C3.Text '59
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colTECUTIL3).Value = Me.txt_tecUtil3.Text '60
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPC3).Value = Me.cbo_ECP3.Text '61
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colEPI3).Value = Me.cbo_EPI3.Text '62
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colCAEPI3).Value = Me.txt_CAEPI3.Text '63
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTINI4).Value = Me.textDataIni4.Text '64
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTFIM4).Value = Me.textDataFin4.Text '65
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNITRESP).Value = Me.txt_NITresp.Text '66
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colREGCONSCLASS).Value = Me.txt_reg_cons_class.Text '67
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEPROFLEG).Value = Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.Text '68
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colDTEMISS).Value = Me.textDataEmiss.Text '69
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNIT2).Value = Me.txt_NITrepresentante.Text '70
.Cells(indiceRegistro, colNOMEREPRES).Value = Me.txt_nomerepresentante.Text '71
End With
' Call AtualizaRegistroCorrente
End Sub
Private Function PegaProximoId() As Long
Dim rangeIds As Range
'pega o range que se refere a toda a coluna do código (id)
Set rangeIds = wsCadastro.Range(wsCadastro.Cells(indiceMinimo, colCPF), wsCadastro.Cells(wsCadastro.UsedRange.Rows.Count, colCPF))
PegaProximoId = WorksheetFunction.Max(rangeIds) + 1
End Function
Private Function PegaProximoId() As Long
Dim rangeIds As Range
'pega o range que se refere a toda a coluna do código (id)
Set rangeIds = wsCadastro.Range(wsCadastro.Cells(indiceMinimo, colCPF), wsCadastro.Cells(wsCadastro.UsedRange.Rows.Count, colCPF))
PegaProximoId = WorksheetFunction.Max(rangeIds) + 1
End Function
'Private Sub AtualizaRegistroCorrente()
' lblNavigator.Caption = indiceRegistro - 1 & " de " & wsCadastro.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
' lblMensagem.Caption = ""
' End Sub
Private Sub LimpaControles()
Me.txtCPF.Text = ""
Me.txt_cnpj1.Text = ""
Me.txt_nomeempresa.Text = ""
Me.txt_cnae.Text = ""
Me.txt_nometrab.Text = ""
Me.txt_br_pdh.Text = ""
Me.txt_nit.Text = ""
Me.txt_dtnasc.Text = ""
Me.cbo_sexo.Text = ""
Me.txt_ctpsN.Text = ""
Me.txt_ctpsS.Text = ""
Me.txt_ctpsUF.Text = ""
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.Text = ""
Me.txt_Regime.Text = ""
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.Text = ""
Me.txt_NCAT1.Text = ""
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Text = ""
Me.txt_NCAT2.Text = ""
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.Text = ""
Me.txt_NCAT3.Text = ""
Me.txt_periodoLOT.Text = ""
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.Text = ""
Me.txt_setor.Text = ""
Me.txt_cargo.Text = ""
Me.txt_funcao.Text = ""
Me.txt_CBO.Text = ""
Me.txt_codGFIP.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni5.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin5.Text = ""
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni6.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin6.Text = ""
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni7.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin7.Text = ""
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni1.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin1.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni2.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin2.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni3.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin3.Text = ""
Me.cbo_tipo1.Text = ""
Me.cbo_tipo2.Text = ""
Me.cbo_tipo3.Text = ""
Me.txt_FatRisco1.Text = ""
Me.txt_FatRisco2.Text = ""
Me.txt_FatRisco3.Text = ""
Me.txt_I_C1.Text = ""
Me.txt_I_C2.Text = ""
Me.txt_I_C3.Text = ""
Me.txt_tecUtil1.Text = ""
Me.txt_tecUtil2.Text = ""
Me.txt_tecUtil3.Text = ""
Me.cbo_ECP1.Text = ""
Me.cbo_ECP2.Text = ""
Me.cbo_ECP3.Text = ""
Me.cbo_EPI1.Text = ""
Me.cbo_EPI2.Text = ""
Me.cbo_EPI3.Text = ""
Me.txt_CAEPI1.Text = ""
Me.txt_CAEPI2.Text = ""
Me.txt_CAEPI3.Text = ""
Me.textDataIni4.Text = ""
Me.textDataFin4.Text = ""
Me.txt_NITresp.Text = ""
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.Text = ""
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.Text = ""
Me.textDataEmiss.Text = ""
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.Text = ""
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub HabilitaControles()
Me.txtCPF.Locked = False
Me.txt_cnpj1.Locked = False
Me.txt_nomeempresa.Locked = False
Me.txt_cnae.Locked = False
Me.txt_nometrab.Locked = False
Me.txt_br_pdh.Locked = False
Me.txt_nit.Locked = False
Me.txt_dtnasc.Locked = False
Me.cbo_sexo.Locked = False
Me.txt_ctpsN.Locked = False
Me.txt_ctpsS.Locked = False
Me.txt_ctpsUF.Locked = False
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.Locked = False
Me.txt_Regime.Locked = False
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.Locked = False
Me.txt_NCAT1.Locked = False
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Locked = False
Me.txt_NCAT2.Locked = False
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.Locked = False
Me.txt_NCAT3.Locked = False
Me.txt_periodoLOT.Locked = False
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.Locked = False
Me.txt_setor.Locked = False
Me.txt_cargo.Locked = False
Me.txt_funcao.Locked = False
Me.txt_CBO.Locked = False
Me.txt_codGFIP.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni5.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin5.Locked = False
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni6.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin6.Locked = False
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni7.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin7.Locked = False
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni1.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin1.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni2.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin2.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni3.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin3.Locked = False
Me.cbo_tipo1.Locked = False
Me.cbo_tipo2.Locked = False
Me.cbo_tipo3.Locked = False
Me.txt_FatRisco1.Locked = False
Me.txt_FatRisco2.Locked = False
Me.txt_FatRisco3.Locked = False
Me.txt_I_C1.Locked = False
Me.txt_I_C2.Locked = False
Me.txt_I_C3.Locked = False
Me.txt_tecUtil1.Locked = False
Me.txt_tecUtil2.Locked = False
Me.txt_tecUtil3.Locked = False
Me.cbo_ECP1.Locked = False
Me.cbo_ECP2.Locked = False
Me.cbo_ECP3.Locked = False
Me.cbo_EPI1.Locked = False
Me.cbo_EPI2.Locked = False
Me.cbo_EPI3.Locked = False
Me.txt_CAEPI1.Locked = False
Me.txt_CAEPI2.Locked = False
Me.txt_CAEPI3.Locked = False
Me.textDataIni4.Locked = False
Me.textDataFin4.Locked = False
Me.txt_NITresp.Locked = False
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.Locked = False
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.Locked = False
Me.textDataEmiss.Locked = False
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.Locked = False
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.Locked = False
Me.txtCPF.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_cnpj1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_nomeempresa.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_cnae.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_nometrab.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_br_pdh.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_nit.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtnasc.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_sexo.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsN.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsS.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsUF.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_Regime.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_periodoLOT.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_setor.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_cargo.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_funcao.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_CBO.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_codGFIP.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni5.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin5.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni6.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin6.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni7.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin7.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI1.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI2.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI3.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni4.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin4.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_NITresp.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.textDataEmiss.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.BackColor = corEnabledTextBox
End Sub
Private Sub DesabilitaControles()
Me.txtCPF.Locked = True
Me.txt_cnpj1.Locked = True
Me.txt_nomeempresa.Locked = True
Me.txt_cnae.Locked = True
Me.txt_nometrab.Locked = True
Me.txt_br_pdh.Locked = True
Me.txt_nit.Locked = True
Me.txt_dtnasc.Locked = True
Me.cbo_sexo.Locked = True
Me.txt_ctpsN.Locked = True
Me.txt_ctpsS.Locked = True
Me.txt_ctpsUF.Locked = True
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.Locked = True
Me.txt_Regime.Locked = True
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.Locked = True
Me.txt_NCAT1.Locked = True
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.Locked = True
Me.txt_NCAT2.Locked = True
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.Locked = True
Me.txt_NCAT3.Locked = True
Me.txt_periodoLOT.Locked = True
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.Locked = True
Me.txt_setor.Locked = True
Me.txt_cargo.Locked = True
Me.txt_funcao.Locked = True
Me.txt_CBO.Locked = True
Me.txt_codGFIP.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni5.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin5.Locked = True
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni6.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin6.Locked = True
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni7.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin7.Locked = True
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni1.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin1.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni2.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin2.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni3.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin3.Locked = True
Me.cbo_tipo1.Locked = True
Me.cbo_tipo2.Locked = True
Me.cbo_tipo3.Locked = True
Me.txt_FatRisco1.Locked = True
Me.txt_FatRisco2.Locked = True
Me.txt_FatRisco3.Locked = True
Me.txt_I_C1.Locked = True
Me.txt_I_C2.Locked = True
Me.txt_I_C3.Locked = True
Me.txt_tecUtil1.Locked = True
Me.txt_tecUtil2.Locked = True
Me.txt_tecUtil3.Locked = True
Me.cbo_ECP1.Locked = True
Me.cbo_ECP2.Locked = True
Me.cbo_ECP3.Locked = True
Me.cbo_EPI1.Locked = True
Me.cbo_EPI2.Locked = True
Me.cbo_EPI3.Locked = True
Me.txt_CAEPI1.Locked = True
Me.txt_CAEPI2.Locked = True
Me.txt_CAEPI3.Locked = True
Me.textDataIni4.Locked = True
Me.textDataFin4.Locked = True
Me.txt_NITresp.Locked = True
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.Locked = True
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.Locked = True
Me.textDataEmiss.Locked = True
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.Locked = True
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.Locked = True
Me.txtCPF.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_cnpj1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_nomeempresa.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_cnae.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_nometrab.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_br_pdh.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_nit.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtnasc.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_sexo.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsN.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsS.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_ctpsUF.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtAdmissao.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_Regime.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_dtRegistro3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_NCAT3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_periodoLOT.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_CNPJ_CEI.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_setor.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_cargo.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_funcao.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_CBO.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_codGFIP.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni5.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin5.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni6.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin6.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni7.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin7.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_descrAtiv_3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_tipo3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_FatRisco3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_I_C3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_tecUtil3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_ECP3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.cbo_EPI3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI1.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI2.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_CAEPI3.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataIni4.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataFin4.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_NITresp.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_reg_cons_class.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_nome_prof_Leg_Hab.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.textDataEmiss.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_NITrepresentante.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
Me.txt_nomerepresentante.BackColor = corDisabledTextBox
End Sub
Private Sub HabilitaBotoesAlteracao()
'habilita os botões de alteração
optAlterar.Enabled = True
optExcluir.Enabled = True
optNovo.Enabled = True
btnPesquisar.Enabled = True
btnOK.Enabled = False
btnCancelar.Enabled = False
btnCancelar1.Enabled = False
bntcancelar2.Enabled = False
'limpa os valores dos controles
optAlterar.Value = False
optExcluir.Value = False
optNovo.Value = False
End Sub
Private Sub DesabilitaBotoesAlteracao()
'desabilita os botões de alteração
optAlterar.Enabled = False
optExcluir.Enabled = False
optNovo.Enabled = False
btnPesquisar.Enabled = False
btnOK.Enabled = True
btnCancelar.Enabled = True
btnCancelar1.Enabled = True
bntcancelar2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Function ProcuraIndiceRegistroPodId(ByVal id As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim retorno As Long
Dim encontrado As Boolean
i = indiceMinimo
With wsCadastro
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(i, colCPF))
If .Cells(i, colCPF).Value = id Then
retorno = i
encontrado = True
Exit Do
End If
i = i + 1
End With
'caso não encontre o registro, retorna -1
If Not encontrado Then
retorno = -1
End If
ProcuraIndiceRegistroPodId = i
End Function