O que eu já vi ocorrer no Office 2003, é que quando o Outlook também é 2003, ele fica dando uma mensagem de alerta de segurança sempre que o e-mail está para ser enviado. Mas isso é simples de resolver. Basta inserir o código abaixo no módulo 'ThisOutlookSession' do Outlook 2003. (Ps.: Fonte do código abaixo: )
Option Explicit
' Enviar e-mail sem alertas de segurança
' Inserir no módulo 'ThisOutlookSession' do MS Outlook 2003
' Please read the full tutorial here:
Private Sub Application_Startup()
'IGNORE - This forces the VBA project to open and be accessible
' using automation at any point after startup
End Sub
' FnSendMailSafe
' --------------
' Simply sends an e-mail using Outlook/Simple MAPI.
' Calling this function by Automation will prevent the warnings
' 'A program is trying to send a mesage on your behalf...'
' Also features optional HTML message body and attachments by file path.
' The To/CC/BCC/Attachments function parameters can contain multiple items
' by seperating them with a semicolon. (e.g. for the strTo parameter,
' ';' would be acceptable for sending to
' multiple recipients.
Public Function FnSendMailSafe(strTo As String, _
strCC As String, _
strBCC As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessageBody As String, _
Optional strAttachments As String) As Boolean
' (c) 2005 Wayne Phillips - Written 07/05/2005
' Last updated 26/03/2008 - Bugfix for empty recipient strings
' You are free to use this code within your application(s)
' as long as the copyright notice and this message remains intact.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
Dim MAPISession As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim MAPIFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim MAPIMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim varArrayItem As Variant
Dim strEmailAddress As String
Dim strAttachmentPath As String
Dim blnSuccessful As Boolean
'Get the MAPI NameSpace object
Set MAPISession = Application.Session
If Not MAPISession Is Nothing Then
'Logon to the MAPI session
MAPISession.Logon , , True, False
'Create a pointer to the Outbox folder
Set MAPIFolder = MAPISession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderOutbox)
If Not MAPIFolder Is Nothing Then
'Create a new mail item in the "Outbox" folder
Set MAPIMailItem = MAPIFolder.Items.Add(olMailItem)
If Not MAPIMailItem Is Nothing Then
With MAPIMailItem
'Create the recipients TO
TempArray = Split(strTo, ";")
For Each varArrayItem In TempArray
strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem)
If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then
Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress)
oRecipient.Type = olTo
Set oRecipient = Nothing
End If
Next varArrayItem
'Create the recipients CC
TempArray = Split(strCC, ";")
For Each varArrayItem In TempArray
strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem)
If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then
Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress)
oRecipient.Type = olCC
Set oRecipient = Nothing
End If
Next varArrayItem
'Create the recipients BCC
TempArray = Split(strBCC, ";")
For Each varArrayItem In TempArray
strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem)
If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then
Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress)
oRecipient.Type = olBCC
Set oRecipient = Nothing
End If
Next varArrayItem
'Set the message SUBJECT
.Subject = strSubject
'Set the message BODY (HTML or plain text)
If StrComp(Left(strMessageBody, 6), "<HTML>", _
vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
.HTMLBody = strMessageBody
.Body = strMessageBody
End If
'Add any specified attachments
TempArray = Split(strAttachments, ";")
For Each varArrayItem In TempArray
strAttachmentPath = Trim(varArrayItem)
If Len(strAttachmentPath) > 0 Then
.Attachments.Add strAttachmentPath
End If
Next varArrayItem
.Send 'The message will remain in the outbox if this fails
Set MAPIMailItem = Nothing
End With
End If
Set MAPIFolder = Nothing
End If
End If
'If we got to here, then we shall assume everything went ok.
blnSuccessful = True
Set MAPISession = Nothing
FnSendMailSafe = blnSuccessful
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error has occured in the user defined Outlook VBA function " & _
"FnSendMailSafe()" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number: " & CStr(Err.Number) & vbCrLf & _
"Error Description: " & Err.Description, _
vbApplicationModal + vbCritical
Resume ExitRoutine
End Function
Já este erro que você relatou eu não tenho como testar aqui, pois só tenho acesso a PC's com Office 2010, tanto em casa quanto no trabalho.
Postado : 29/01/2013 1:16 pm