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Lendo arquivos de uma pasta e consolidando os dados

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Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
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Bom dia tudo bom?

Meus abraços para AlexandreVBA e Jvalq que já me ajudaram muitas vezes heheheh e quem sabe podem ajudar agora também

Em anexo está uma estrutura simples mas que pode simular bem o cenário:

Preciso ler arquivos de um diretório, preciso de uma rotina que leia os arquivos (n arquivos) e consolidem em uma tabela de dados de um outro arquivo,

Se tiver 4 arquivos vai ler 1 por 1 e ir gravando os dados (não importa o jeito que venham, desde que estejam íntegros) aí depois eu brinco nessa consolidada

Tem alguma ideia pra me ajudar ou topicos semelhantes para referenciar?

Valeu pelo apoio pessoal,


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 6:38 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
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Bom dia!!

Eu acho que você se esqueceu do anexo. :roll:


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 7:21 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
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Tem razão


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 7:25 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

A rotina anexa, faz o que descreveu, porem deve ser adaptada a sua real necessidade

Sub AbreArquivo()
Dim OldName As String, NewName As String, cSheet As String
Dim sDir As String, sPath As String, Msg As String
Dim rw As Long, i As Long
'Guarda o nome do Arquivo ativo
OldName = ThisWorkbook.Name
'Acha o numero da ultima coluna com valores (da linha 1)
rw = Cells(1, Cells.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
'Guarda o nome da planilha ativa
cSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
'Determina o caminho a ser utilizado (neste caso mesmo diretorio deste arquivo
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path

'Acrescenta, se necessario a barra na string do caminho
If Right(sPath, 1) <> "" Then
    sPath = sPath & ""
    sPath = sPath
End If
'Altera, temporariamente, o diretorio de trabaho, para o determinado na string.
ChDir sPath
sDir = Dir("*.xls?")
'Executa enquanto houver arquivo xls no diretorio
Do While sDir <> ""
    If sDir <> OldName Or sdr <> "" Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Workbooks.Open Filename:=sDir, UpdateLinks:=3
        rw = rw + 1
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(1, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(33, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(2, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(34, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(3, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(35, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(4, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(36, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(5, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(37, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(6, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(38, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(7, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(36, 7).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(8, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(36, 10).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(9, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(38, 13).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(10, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(38, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(11, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(38, 18).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(12, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(34, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(13, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(35, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(14, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(36, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(15, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(41, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(16, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(42, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(17, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(43, 3).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(18, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(41, 10).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(19, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(43, 13).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(20, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(43, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(21, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(43, 18).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(22, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(44, 6).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(23, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(30, 4).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(24, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(44, 15).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(25, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(47, 4).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(26, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(47, 7).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(27, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(69, 1).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(29, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(53, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(30, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(54, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(31, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(55, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(32, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(56, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(33, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(57, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(34, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(58, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(35, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(59, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(36, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(60, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(37, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(61, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(38, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(62, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(39, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(63, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(40, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(64, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(41, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(65, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(42, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(66, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(43, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(67, 2).Value
            Workbooks(OldName).Sheets("BD").Cells(44, rw) = Workbooks(sDir).Sheets("Síntese").Cells(68, 2).Value
        Workbooks(sDir).Close SaveChanges:=False
        sDir = Dir
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 7:27 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Opa Reinaldo obrigado pela ajuda vou testando.


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 7:32 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter


Vejam só!

Esta rotina atendeu um pouco melhor estou enroscando no meio quando quero trazer os dados da celula B1 da planilha Principal e de B1:B4 da planilha dados

Podem me ajudar com a adaptação?

Option Explicit

Sub Consolidate()
'Adaptation  VH
'Author:     Jerry Beaucaire
'Date:       4/29/2011
'Summary:    Merge files in a specific folder into one master sheet (stacked)
'            Moves imported files into another folder

Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fPathDone As String
Dim LR As Long, NR As Long
Dim wbData As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False  'speed up macro execution
    Application.EnableEvents = False    'turn off other macros for now
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False   'turn off system messages for now
    Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")    'sheet report is built into

With wsMaster
    If MsgBox("Clear the old data first?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        NR = 2
        NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1    'appends data to existing data
    End If

'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
    fPath = "C:Teste"            'remember final  in this string
    fPathDone = fPath & "Consolidado"     'remember final  in this string
    On Error Resume Next
        MkDir fPathDone                 'creates the completed folder if missing
    On Error GoTo 0
    fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xl*")        'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired

'Import a sheet from found files
    Do While Len(fName) > 0
        If fName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then              'don't reopen this file accidentally
            Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fName)  'Open file

        'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
            LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row  'Find last row
            Range("A1:A" & LR).EntireRow.Copy .Range("A" & NR)
            wbData.Close False                                'close file
            NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1  'Next row
        End If
        fName = Dir                                       'ready next filename
End With

ErrorExit:    'Cleanup
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True         'turn system alerts back on
    Application.EnableEvents = True          'turn other macros back on
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True        'refreshes the screen
End Sub

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 05/12/2013 9:16 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter


Ele começou a ler certo porém dá
Run-Time Error '-2147221080 (800401a8)':
Erro de Automação:

Olhem só o erro ocorre dentro do segundo While, por favor podem me auxiliar?

Sub Consolidate()
'Adaptation  VH
'Author:     Jerry Beaucaire
'Date:       4/29/2011
'Summary:    Merge files in a specific folder into one master sheet (stacked)
'            Moves imported files into another folder

Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fPathDone As String, Dept As String
Dim LR As Long, NR As Long, FSline As Long, FScol As Long, i As Long, OSline As Long, OScol As Long
Dim wbData As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet
Dim Count As Integer

Count = 0

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False  'speed up macro execution
    Application.EnableEvents = False    'turn off other macros for now
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False   'turn off system messages for now
    Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")    'sheet report is built into

With wsMaster
    If MsgBox("Clear the old data first?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        NR = 2
        NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1    'appends data to existing data
    End If

'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
    fPath = "C:Teste"            'remember final  in this string
    fPathDone = fPath & "Consolidado"     'remember final  in this string
    On Error Resume Next
        MkDir fPathDone                 'creates the completed folder if missing
    On Error GoTo 0
    fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xl*")        'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired
OSline = 1

'Import a sheet from found files
    Do While Len(fName) > 0
        If fName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then              'don't reopen this file accidentally
            Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fName)  'Open file

        FSline = 2
        'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
            Dept = wbData.Worksheets("Principal").Range("B1")
            FScol = 1
            OScol = 2
            .Cells(FSline, FScol).Value = Dept
            FScol = FScol + 1
            'Loop onde ocorre o Erro!
            While FScol <= 4
            'Debug.Print "FScol = " & FScol
            wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol).Value = wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline, OScol).Value
            OSline = OSline + 1
            FScol = FScol + 1
            wbData.Close False                                'close file
        OSline = OSline + 1
        End If
        Debug.Print fName
        fName = Dir()           'ready next filename
    Count = Count + 1
'   Debug.Print "wbData = " & wbData
    Debug.Print "Dept = " & Dept
    Debug.Print "LR = " & LR
    Debug.Print "NR = " & NR
    Debug.Print "Count = " & Count
End With

ErrorExit:    'Cleanup
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True         'turn system alerts back on
    Application.EnableEvents = True          'turn other macros back on
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True        'refreshes the screen

End Sub

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 06/12/2013 11:30 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Provavelmente é por fechar o arquivo ( wbData.Close False 'close file), após a primeira passada. Coloque essa instrução depois de wend e teste

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 06/12/2013 2:15 pm
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Opa Reinaldo valeu pela dica vou testar e dou um feedback!

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 06/12/2013 2:32 pm
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Reinaldo e pessoal,

Tá quase! ... kkkkkk

Eu mudei um pouco o Loop e ele traz os valores certos a partir da segunda linha, conseguem me ajudar pra trazer o valor da célula (1, 2)

Olhem só a parte:

'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
                Dept = wbData.Worksheets("Principal").Range("B1")
                FScol = 1
                OScol = 2
                OSline = 1
                .Cells(FSline, 1).Value = Dept
                'Loop onde ocorre o Erro!
                While FScol < 5
                FScol = FScol + 1
                wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline + 1, OScol).Copy Destination:=wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol + 1)
                OSline = OSline + 1

                wbData.Close False                                'close file
            'OSline = OSline + 1
            End If
            fName = Dir()           'ready next filename
        Count = Count + 1
        FSline = FSline + 1

Olha o resultado parcial:

|Departamento |Nome |Sobrenome |Idade |Sexo
|Financeiro | |Souza |33 |Feminino
|Marketing | |Durão |28 |Masculino

A coluna Nome está ficando vazia, é como se não estive trazendo o valor,

Por favor me ajudem!


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 09/12/2013 2:22 pm
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Não sou fã dessa maneira de leitura, tambem não entendi claramente o que deseja,mas vamos tentar:
voce inicia o valor de FScol=1 então depois ao iniciar o while.. determina FScol=FScol+1 ou seja 2, então irá comecar a "gravar" os dados na coluna 3 de wsMaster. Porque ?
Pode disponibilizar o codigo inteiro (com está atualmente) e os exem,plos iniciais, porem com 2 ou 3 exemplos de como estarão nas planilhas a serem lidas e como espera que fiquem na consolidado?

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 10/12/2013 6:20 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Po legal qual maneira de leitura recomendaria?

Não o copy/destination

mas o Cell.Value = Cell.Value?

É aprendizado também! Pode recomendar!

O código completo está abaixo:

 Option Explicit
    Sub Consolidate()
    'Adaptation  VH
    'Author:     Jerry Beaucaire
    'Date:       4/29/2011
    'Summary:    Merge files in a specific folder into one master sheet (stacked)
    '            Moves imported files into another folder

    Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fPathDone As String, Dept As String
    Dim LR As Long, NR As Long, FSline As Long, FScol As Long, i As Long, OSline As Long, OScol As Long
    Dim wbData As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet
    Dim Count As Integer

    Count = 0

        Application.ScreenUpdating = False  'speed up macro execution
        Application.EnableEvents = False    'turn off other macros for now
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False   'turn off system messages for now
        Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")    'sheet report is built into

    With wsMaster
        If MsgBox("Clear the old data first?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
            NR = 2
            NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1    'appends data to existing data
        End If

    'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
        fPath = "C:Teste"            'remember final  in this string
        fPathDone = fPath & "Consolidado"     'remember final  in this string
        On Error Resume Next
            MkDir fPathDone                 'creates the completed folder if missing
        On Error GoTo 0
        fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xl*")        'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired
    OSline = 1
    FSline = 2

    'Import a sheet from found files
        Do While Len(fName) > 0
            If fName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then              'don't reopen this file accidentally
                Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fName)  'Open file
            'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
                Dept = wbData.Worksheets("Principal").Range("B1")
                FScol = 1
                OScol = 2
                OSline = 1
                .Cells(FSline, 1).Value = Dept
                'Loop onde ocorre o Erro!
                While FScol < 5
                FScol = FScol + 1
                wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline + 1, OScol).Copy Destination:=wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol + 1)
                OSline = OSline + 1

                wbData.Close False                                'close file
            End If
            fName = Dir()           'ready next filename
        Count = Count + 1
        FSline = FSline + 1
    End With

ErrorExit:        'Cleanup
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True         'turn system alerts back on
        Application.EnableEvents = True          'turn other macros back on
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True        'refreshes the screen

    End Sub

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 10/12/2013 7:06 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Achei o erro estava na parte:

wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline + 1, OScol).Copy Destination:=wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol)

Substitui para:

wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline, OScol).Copy Destination:=wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol)
OSline = OSline + 1

Mas continuo curioso sobre o método que utilizaria para fazer leitura!


Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 10/12/2013 7:19 am
Fernando Fernandes
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Estava comentando algumas parte do codigo, para confirmar se era o realmente esperado, mas já que achou a diferença Ok.
Porem segue comentado talvez retire (ou acrescente) alguma duvida. Retirei também do código trechos e declarações de variáveis não utilizados.

Option Explicit
    Sub Consolidate()
    'Adaptation  VH
    'Author:     Jerry Beaucaire
    'Date:       4/29/2011
    'Summary:    Merge files in a specific folder into one master sheet (stacked)
    '            Moves imported files into another folder

    Dim fName As String, fPath As String, Dept As String
    Dim NR As Long, FSline As Long, FScol As Long, OSline As Long, OScol As Long
    Dim wbData As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet
    '    Application.ScreenUpdating = False  'speed up macro execution
    '    Application.EnableEvents = False    'turn off other macros for now
    '    Application.DisplayAlerts = False   'turn off system messages for now
        Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")    'sheet report is built into

    With wsMaster

    'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
        fPath = "C:Teste"             'remember final  in this string
        fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xl*")    'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired
    OSline = 1
    FSline = 2

    'Import a sheet from found files
        Do While Len(fName) > 0                             'Executa enquanto tiver nome de arquivo achado
            If fName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then              'don't reopen this file accidentally
                Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fName)  'Open file
            'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
                Dept = wbData.Worksheets("Principal").Range("B1")
                .Cells(FSline, 1).Value = Dept 'Celula A2 (na primeira "passada") da planilha Master = Celula B1 do arquivo aberto
                FScol = 1
                OScol = 2
                OSline = 1
                'Loop onde ocorre o Erro!
                While FScol < 5     'Executa da coluna 1 até coluna 4
                FScol = FScol + 1   'Inicia na coluna 2 (na primeira passada)
                'Copia valores da celula B1 (na primeira passada) para celula C2 da planilha master (na primeira passada)
                'Ja na segunda "passada" copia de B2 para celula D2 da master
                wbData.Worksheets("dados").Cells(OSline, OScol).Copy Destination:=wsMaster.Cells(FSline, FScol + 1)
                'Aqui determina Osline =2 após primeira passada.
                OSline = OSline + 1

                wbData.Close False                                'close file
            End If
            fName = Dir()           'ready next filename
        FSline = FSline + 1
    End With

    '    ActiveSheet.Columns.AutoFit
    '    Application.DisplayAlerts = True         'turn system alerts back on
    '    Application.EnableEvents = True          'turn other macros back on
    '    Application.ScreenUpdating = True        'refreshes the screen

    End Sub

Existem, em varias atividades, as preferencias pessoais; eu na maioria das vezes prefiro utilizar conforme o código que dispus inicialmente. Tipo ws.cell.value=wb.cell.value

Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!

Postado : 10/12/2013 7:59 am