A rotina abaixo, originariamente no site Ozgrid.com; executa o que deseja,mas deve ser adaptada a sua realidade
Private Sub GetShapePropertiesAllWs()
Dim sShapes As Shape, lLoop As Long
Dim WsNew As Worksheet
Dim wsLoop As Worksheet
''''''''''LIST PROPERTIES OF SHAPES'''''''''''''
''''''''''Dave Hawley www.ozgrid.com''''''''''''
Set WsNew = Sheets.Add
'Add headings for our lists. Expand as needed
WsNew.Range("A1:G1") = Array("Shape Name", "Shape Type", "Height", "Width", "Left", "Top", "Sheet Name")
'Loop through all Worksheet
For Each wsLoop In Worksheets
'Loop through all shapes on Worksheet
If wsLoop.Name = "Bandeiras" Then 'Altere aqui o nome de sua planilha
For Each sShapes In wsLoop.Shapes
'Increment Variable lLoop for row numbers
lLoop = lLoop + 1
With sShapes
'Add shape properties
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 1) = .Name
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 2) = .OLEFormat.Object.Name
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 3) = .Height
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 4) = .Width
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 5) = .Left
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 6) = .Top
'Follow the same pattern for more
WsNew.Cells(lLoop + 1, 7) = wsLoop.Name
End With
Next sShapes
End If
Next wsLoop
'AutoFit Columns.
End Sub
Existem mil maneiras de preparar Neston. Invente a sua!
Postado : 14/06/2018 5:34 am