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VBA + Excel + SAP/R3

5 Posts
2 Usuários
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Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Olá a todos.
Preciso de ajuda para vba com SAP/R3
Atualmente executo uma transação - iw39 -, gero uma planilha excel pelo sap, copio e colo os dados em outra planilha, atualizo uma tabela dinâmica.
Preciso de uma macro para executar a transação do sap e mandar os dados para uma planilha com uma macro que criarei depois.
Se alguém puder ajudar me mande a macro para, pelo menos, executar a transação. A macro para tratar os dados eu mesmo faço.
Abraços e desde já obrigado!!!

Postado : 22/10/2010 1:23 pm
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Vocês não têm o BW Analyzer?

Postado : 22/10/2010 6:23 pm
Posts: 43750
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Edson, bom dia!

O que faz esse BW Analyser? Ele vem no SAP?

Postado : 16/12/2010 7:02 am
Posts: 0
New Member

tenho a solução pra vc

Option Explicit
Public SAP As Object
Public SAPGUI As Object
Public SAPCon As Object
Public SAPSession As Object

'run saplogon if it is not running
Sub OpenSAP()
Dim SAPTaskID As Double
Dim SAPLogonPad As String
SAPLogonPad = "C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisaplogon.exe"
'C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisaplogon.exe
On Error Resume Next
AppActivate "SAP Logon 730"
If Err <> 0 Then
Err = 0
SAPTaskID = Shell(SAPLogonPad, vbNormalFocus)
If Err <> 0 Then
'MsgBox "Cannot start SAPLOGON", vbCritical, "SAPLOGON FAILED"
'MsgBox "SAP Logon activated " & SAPTaskID, vbInformation, "SAP Running"
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SAPLogon()
Call OpenSAP
Dim emp As Object
Dim cn_server As ADODB.Connection
Dim TABELAGeral As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL
Set emp = New conectar_banco
Set cn_server = New ADODB.Connection
cn_server.Open emp.conectar_banco

'AppActivate (
Static sapID As String
Static sapPassword As String
If sapID = "" Or sapPassword = "" Then
'With loginSAP 'a userform to get the sap id and password
'sapID = .SAPuser
'sapPassword = .SAPPass
'End With
End If

Dim timme As Date

timme = Now + CDate("00:00:05")

Do While Now < timme


If SAPGUI Is Nothing Then
Set SAP = GetObject("sapgui")
Set SAPGUI = SAP.GetScriptingEngine
End If

If SAPCon Is Nothing Then

'On Error Resume Next
Set SAPCon = SAPGUI.OpenConnectionByConnectionString("")

   ' Set SAPCon = SAPGUI.OpenConnectionByConnectionString("/H/", True)
'SendKeys "{ENTER}"
'SAPActive.SapConnection = SAPActive.SapGuiApp.OpenConnection(connectString, Sync: true);

'(what should I put here to call the SAPCon object already declared from previous run?)

End If
If SAPSession Is Nothing Then
Set SAPSession = SAPCon.Children(0)
With SAPSession

sSQL = "select * FROM [BD_GAREG].[dbo].[senha_unilog];"
Set TABELAGeral = New ADODB.Recordset
TABELAGeral.Open sSQL, cn_server

.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-MANDT").Text = "500"
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME").Text = TABELAGeral("id")
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").Text = TABELAGeral("senha")

.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU").Text = "PT"
.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
End With

 '(how do I call the Session already running from previous call to this script?)
 End If
End Sub

  Dim SapGuiApp As Object
  Dim oConnection As Object
  Dim Session As Object
  Dim SAPCon As Object, SAPSesi As Object
  Dim SAPGUIAuto As Object, SAPApp As Object
  Dim NumOfRows As Long
  Dim Counter As Long
  Dim SAP As Object, SAPGUI As Object, SAPConnections As Object
  Dim cntConnection As Long, i As Long, SAPConnection As Object
  Dim Sessions As Object, cntSession As Long, j As Long
  Dim SessionExists As Boolean
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  NumOfRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 3

  SessionExists = False

  On Error Resume Next

  Set SAP = GetObject("SAPGUI")

  If Not IsObject(SAP) Then

    Exit Sub

  End If

  Set SAPGUI = SAP.GetScriptingEngine

  If Not IsObject(SAPGUI) Then

    Exit Sub

  End If

  Set SAPConnections = SAPGUI.Connections()

  If Not IsObject(SAPConnections) Then

    Exit Sub

  End If

  cntConnection = SAPConnections.Count()

  For i = 0 To cntConnection - 1

    Set SAPConnection = SAPGUI.Connections(CLng(i))

    If IsObject(SAPConnection) Then

      Set Sessions = SAPConnection.Sessions()

      If IsObject(Sessions) Then

        cntSession = Sessions.Count()

        For j = 0 To cntSession - 1

          Set Session = SAPConnection.Sessions(CLng(j))

          If IsObject(Session) Then

            SessionExists = True

          End If

        Next j

      End If

    End If

  Next i


  If SAPConnection Is Nothing Then

   ' MsgBox "Error.. no SAP session could be found"

    Exit Sub
Dim emp As Object
Dim cn_server As ADODB.Connection
Dim TABELAGeral As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL
Set emp = New conectar_banco
Set cn_server = New ADODB.Connection
cn_server.Open emp.conectar_banco

sSQL = "select * FROM [BD_GAREG].[dbo].[senha_unilog];"
Set TABELAGeral = New ADODB.Recordset
TABELAGeral.Open sSQL, cn_server

  With Session

.findById("wnd[0]").maximize 'Last available sessions is maximized
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME").Text = TABELAGeral("id")
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").Text = TABELAGeral("senha")
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").caretPosition = 8
.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0

  End With

  End If

  With Session


  End With

  With Session

.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "IW39"
.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,0]").Text = "LQ01*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,1]").Text = "LM00*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,2]").Text = "ROD0*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,3]").Text = "REVI*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,4]").Text = "REPE*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,5]").Text = "CML01*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,6]").Text = "CEL01*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,6]").Text = "TRUK*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,6]").Text = "GAF*"
.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,1]").caretPosition = 5
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtVAWRK-LOW").Text = "4065"
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtVAWRK-LOW").caretPosition = 4
'.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtDATUV").Text = ""
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtDATUV").caretPosition = 0
'.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtDATUB").Text = ""
.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtDATUB").caretPosition = 0
.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0

.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlGRID1/shellcont/shell").setCurrentCell -1, ""



  End With


End Sub
Public Function ContaCaracteresNaString(ByVal texto As String, ByVal caracter As String) As Long
     Dim x As Variant
     x = Split(texto, caracter)
     ContaCaracteresNaString = UBound(x)
End Function

Sub ClipBoardToSQL()
    Dim objData As New MSForms.DataObject
    Dim strText
    Dim rsNew, SalRec2, rs2 As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rec  As New DataObject
   Dim MyArray22 As Integer
Dim db As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rec2 As Database
Dim linn As Integer
MyArray22 = 445
     Dim mtz(10000, 40) As Variant
        strText = objData.GetText()
        strText = Replace(strText, Left(strText, InStr(strText, "-" & vbNewLine & "|")), "") 'Chr(10)=
          strText = Replace(strText, "Fim real  ", "Fim_real_date"): strText = Replace(strText, "Fim real", "Fim_real_hora")
                strText = Replace(strText, "-", ""): strText = Replace(strText, "CenTrab respon.", "CenTrab_respon")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Campo sel.", "ativo"): strText = Replace(strText, "Pln.manut.", "Pln_manut")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Ordem", "Ordem_manutencao"): strText = Replace(strText, "Tp.", "Tipo")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Cen.", "Centro"): strText = Replace(strText, "StatUsuár.", "Status usuário")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Status usuário", "Status usuário")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Data entr.", "dat_entrada"): strText = Replace(strText, "Status do sistema.", "status_sistema")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Fim-base", "Fim_base")
         strText = Replace(strText, "Iníc.real", "inicio_real")
         strText = Replace(strText, "InícReal", "InicReal")
         strText = Replace(strText, "CustTotPl.", "CustTotPl")
         strText = Replace(strText, "CustTotRe.", "CustTotRe")
          strText = Replace(strText, "-", ""): strText = Replace(strText, "-", "")
         ' strText = Replace(strText, "-", ""): strText = Replace(strText, "X ", "")
        'MsgBox ContaCaracteresNaString(strText, "|")
      ' Replace(strText, "|", "    ")
         ' MsgBox strText
If InStr(strText, "|") = 0 Then Exit Sub
    '~~> Divide strText, delimitador vbNewLine
    strArray = Split(strText, vbNewLine)
    lin = 1

    mtz(0, 0) = strArray(1) 'Títulos
      linn = ContaCaracteresNaString(mtz(0, 0), "|")
    'MsgBox UBound(mtz, 2)
    For lin = 1 To UBound(strArray, 1) - 1
        For col = 1 To UBound(mtz, 2)
        On Error Resume Next
        'If Len(strArray) > 10 Then
        mtz(lin, col) = Trim(Split(strArray(lin), "|")(col))
       ' End If
        Next col
    Next lin
MsgBox mtz
Set rsNew = ADOCopyArrayIntoRecordset(argArray:=mtz)

End Sub

Private Function ADOCopyArrayIntoRecordset(argArray As Variant) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsADO As ADODB.Recordset
Dim lngR As Long
Dim lngC As Long

Set rsADO = New ADODB.Recordset

For lngC = 1 To UBound(argArray, 2) 'Column
rsADO.Fields.Append IIf(argArray(0, lngC) = "", "Col" & lngC, argArray(0, lngC)), adVariant
Next lngC


For lngR = 1 To UBound(argArray, 1) 'Row
    For lngC = 1 To UBound(argArray, 2) 'Column
    rsADO.Fields(lngC - 1).Value = Replace(argArray(lngR, lngC), Chr(39), "`") '+Substituir aspas simples por grave
    Next lngC
Next lngR


    Worksheets("SAP_BASE").Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rsADO
Set ADOCopyArrayIntoRecordset = rsADO

'fluxo_valor = rsADO!Ordem
End Function

Public Property Get conectar_banco() As String
    conectar_banco = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=;uid=FMDS;pwd=@rzatdamf@"
   'conectar_banco = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=BR9250042;uid=FMDS;pwd=@rzatdamf@"
   ' conectar_banco = "Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=nome do server;User ID=id;Password=senha;"
End Property
Postado : 26/10/2015 8:55 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

sei que esta meio complexo mais esta ai meu email pra vc [email protected] funciona e eu uso

Postado : 26/10/2015 8:59 pm